Churches or individuals interested in donating to help the relief efforts following Hurricane Harvey may do so through one of the two following options.
Caution: Scammers are abundant. These two ministries are directly connected with and report to the National Association of Free Will Baptists each year. You may know that every donation given through these entities will be directed to the cause of your choosing. Be sure and ear-mark all donations. SB
• FWB International Missions – Hanna Project Emergency Relief
• From Ken Akers, National FWB Master's Men & Disaster Relief Director:
HARVEY (Texas) -
IRMA (Florida) -
Master’s Men Hurricane Relief
PO Box 5002
Antioch, TN 37011
(Please mark you checks in the memo area: Harvey, Irma or Maria Response)
Disaster Relief for Puerto Rico and St Croix churches
This letter is to let you know how you can help the FWB churches and schools in both St Croix and Puerto Rico that have been damaged by the hurricanes that passed through there in recent weeks.
Both of these churches are projects of Free Will Baptist North American Ministries, so the relief funds will go through them to the designated areas.
In St Croix, Gene and Angela Wooton lead the effort for the church and private school. The “Free Will Baptist Christian School” employs 10 people for the teaching, cooking, maintenance and administration of the school, however, since the school is closed due to some damage and a lack of electricity, monthly tuition has stopped therefore making it extremely difficult to pay these employees during this crisis. This immediate financial need, along with the needs to repair damages the church and school is very real. We don’t currently know the total financial need but it will be several thousand dollars.
In Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico Jose and Shuey Correa lead the church. This church and ministry homes have sustained heavy damage from the hurricanes and will need substantial help, and at least one home replaced, to get the FWB ministry Puerto Rico back into order. Again, due to the sporadic electric and cell service, it is uncertain just what the rebuilding costs will be at this time, but it too will be in the tens of thousands.
Both of these works are very good works that see salvations and Christian education taking place in them regularly. Without help from their FWB brethren the rebuilding of facilities and ministries will be extremely slow.
How to help
Send your designated gifts to
Free Will Baptist Master’s Men Department. PO Box 5002 Antioch, TN. 37011-5002 or log on to and give through the website.
Designate the gifts: rebuild Puerto Rico OR rebuild St Croix
Thank you for your prayerful help in these rebuilding efforts! Together we reach out further