While Jesus was talking to his disciples while in Philippi he asked them who the people thought He was, then He asked the Disciples who they thought He was. It was Peter who spoke up and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus responded back to Peter that this truth is what He will build His church on and, not even Hades could overcome it!
All of our missionaries, whether working through our International Missions Department, our North America Missions Department or through our MO State Missions program, are active in ministries that proclaim that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. It is this basic proclamation that establishes all our FWB churches and builds His Church. Above are families that have ties to MO FWB that answered the call to expand His Church. Would you consider praying for them regularly and, financially supporting them monthly through the Show Me Plan or by designating to any of them?
The Show Me Plan works like this. When a donation is given to the Show Me Plan it is divided up by a percentage. We give 60% to International Missions, 30% to State Missions and we divide the remaining 10% between our 3 North America Missionaries that are from MO FWB.
Although the Show Me Plan does not fully support any missionary, by giving to the Show Me Plan you are contributing to the support of all our International Missionaries (with some extra for our MO FWB guys), all our State Missionaries and all of our National Missionaries that have ties to MO FWB. It is important to note that our North America church planters receive most of their support “Designated” giving.
Giving to the Show Me Plan or by Designated Giving
You can help to support our church planting efforts by simply designating an offering of any size and giving it through your local church. Simply write on your check, or church envelope, whether it is to go to the Show Me Plan or to a specific church planter.
A person or group can also purchase Show Me Shares. A Show Me Share is $360.00 per share, per year. That can be a one-time gift each year or it can be broken into monthly payments of $30.00 per month for each share you would like to purchase. This too can be given through your local church.
Anyone can also mail donations to MO FWB Missions - PO Box 1218 – Lebanon, MO 65536.
In 2015 a new option was added for donating to our church planters. It is to give online at momissions.com. Just click on the $ at the home page and follow the instructions.
You can also sign up for the MO FWB Missions e-Newsletter which will keep you up on the latest FWB Missions news– just send your request to contactus@momissions.com
Thank you for taking the time to understand how our Show Me Plan works! We thank you for your prayers for our FWB Missionaries!